Real-Estate Property Listing on Auto-Pilot


Automated Real-Estate Listing for 100s of Properties

The client was in need of a new website, that is able to show-off all their real-estate property listings in style, yet keeping performance high. They offer 100s of different properties in Spain, and felt the need for an automated system to upload their listings at easy. We helped them with the development and now they are able to import a file, and the system will automatically update all their real-estate listings.

Website Development

The website development phase consits of multiple stages. With careful planning we are able to make sure we are aligned with the clients' wishes and business goals for the website. As the website will showcase real-estate listings to the visitors, it's of upmost importance that the website has high performance.

To improve the conversion rate, we developed the search functionality directly on the mainpage. Followed by a split layout, to visualize multiple featured property listings for the visitors.

SEO Optimization

We've leveraged our own Search Engine Optimization techniques to improve the Google rankings for this site. Since it was a completely new site, Google hadn't yet indexed it. Therefor achieving a first-page rank on Google was a challenge.

However, through strategic planning, we were able to get this client's website onto the first page of Google search results for multiple targeted keywords within a mere 2 months.

Automatic Listing Functionality

Our client has a dynamic offering of real-estate listings to display. These differ from time-to-time. To ensure our client was able to maintain the website, without spending countless hours updating every listing manually, we developed a system to automate the creation of listings.

Now our client is able to import a single *.csv file, which has all the needed aspects of the real-estate listing, and the system will automatically generate property listings based on the information inside that file. Property features, pictures, location data, all in one go.

Do you need a E-Commerce specialist near you?

Do you have a similar need, or another website development project in mind? Please reach out to us, and we will provide you a personalized offer!


  • Website Design: Optimized real estate website with advanced search and featured listings for higher conversion.
  • SEO Optimization: New website, no Google indexing. We boosted rankings for multiple keywords to first page in 2 months.
  • Automatic Listing Functionality: Automated real-estate listing creation through *.csv import, saving time and effort for client.

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February 22, 2023


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